Simple PC smartcard reader

This simple PC Smartcard reader was shown in Electronics Design magazine February 17, 1997 issue on page 172 in the ideas for design section. The circuit is designed by Jose Carlos Cossio and is based on simple smartcard reader design shown on the same magazine July 8, 1996.

This circuit takes all smartcard operating power from PC parallel port. The basic circuit idea is quites similar to two simple smartcard reader shown in What you need to know about electronics telecards written by Stephane Bausson. There are some minor differences, which means that all the same software can't be used.

See also other smart card stuff in


25 o---------------------------------------------------------------+
   GND                                                             |
                                      ISO layout                   |
                                 /---------+--------\              |
                          +------| VCC     |    GND |--------------+
   D2                     |      |------\  |  /-----+              |
 4 o----------------------)------| R/W   \ | /  Vpp |--------+     |
   D1                     |      +--------( )-------+        |     |
 3 o----------------------)------| CLK   / | \  I/O |----+   |     |
   D0                     |      +------/  |  \-----+    |   |     | 
 2 o----------------------)------| RST     |   Fuse |    |   |     |
                          |      \---------+--------/    |   |     |
   Busy                   |                              |   |     |
11 o----------------------)------------------------------+   |     |
                          |                                  |     |
                          +----------------------------------+     |
   D3          |\ |       |                                        |
 5 o-----------| >+-------+                                        |
               |/ |       |            ||                          |
   D4          |\ |       |            ||
 6 o-----------| >+-------+
               |/ |       |          100 nF
   D5          |\ |       |
 7 o-----------| >+-------+
               |/ |       |
   D6          |\ |       |
 8 o-----------| >+-------+
               |/ |       |
   D7          |\ |       |
 9 o-----------| >+-------'
               |/ |

            5 X 1N4148